Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CALL or Not To CALL, That's What Matters!

Sometimes, I feel desparetly hopeless to motivate my students. Then, I expect a fairy to appear and wave her magic wand to turn them into creatures who are well primed with the information which I struggle to give them. Especially in the early morning sessions, while trying to wake them up, I often find myself as a stand up performer who tries to grab their attention. When they can barely open their eyes, I try to teach reported speech, passives, if clauses. Who cares whether they learn them or not? I care OF COURSE!! This is my job and I thoroughly madly in love with it.
After a long day, having finished eight lessons and feeling completely exhausted, I sat quietly, musing on the events of the day. What was it that made me so frustrated in teaching? What was that "THING" leaving a gap between me and my students? How could I construct a bridge across to lead them to my world of education? I came up with the idea of "TECHNOLOGY" eventually.....
The next morning, my subject was totally out of the course pacing and I gave them a short survey inquiring the hours they spend in the chat rooms or social networks on the internet. I was overwhelmed by the results proving the fact that they were all digital natives leaving in a virtual reality. They were socializing, gardening and even creating virtual lives there.
That's how my adventurous journey started in the world of technology. I am trying to integrate computer skills into my syllabus these days. I now put most of the workload on their shoulders. They are learning how to search for a specific kind of information, how to sort the material out and how to qoute. Many of them are better than me at computer skills. That's why, I called this blog "My Education".They are teaching me the skills I lack and I am teaching them a new language from a different perspective. You see, it is a "win win situation" for both sides and you are always welcome to join us in this adventure.

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